Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Austin, there is definatelty a chance that the world could end in 2012. If the world ends it ends, it is true that there is evidence to back up this statement. However, I believe that you still stick to your faith and hope for the best

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I agree with Christos, as much as everyone doesn't want the world to end, it's going to happen at some point. The research backs it up and shows that the world could possibly end in 2012. The statements and hypothese are proven and it seems like this could never happen to the earth but i think it could be possible.
I think the world will end whether it be one way or another. There is too much war and devastation in the world for us to last this way much longer and there is too much coincidence and tradition that says December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world. If the world is meant to end it will and facts are layed out to represent this perfectly.


People are saying that the world will end in 2012 and I find it hard to believe. There is plenty of research back up on this subject yet I amd still having conflictions on believing it all. There are religious and scientific reasonings behind this topic and I just wanted to know how everyone else feels about it?Some say that humans will be the ones that will cause the end of the world and some say it will be natural phenomenom that will end it all. Religous folks believe it will be god himself that will end it all.The Mayan calendar predicts that the end of the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. Also, in the bible, the chineese book of changes and hindu teachigns state that the world will end in 2012. So there is some religious prove to back up this topic so it does have me wondering if it is true.Also, there has been a lot of radiation storms going on out in space. Recent solar storms have been bombarding with the Earth and knocking out satellites. The results from this are getting worse and they believe that it will reach it's highest in the year of 2012.Yellowstone park in the United States sits on top of the worlds biggest volcano. This volcano has a pattern of errupting every 650,000 years and we are already passed that many years. They say that the explosion will cause the atmosphere to be filled with ash, blocking the sun and causing the next ice age.There are plenty of reasonings supporting that the world will come to an end in the year of 2012 but I still find it hard to believe it will.